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Eligibility: To be one of the first 100 unique addresses to inscribe with the ".🐇" text inscription.
Inscription Criteria: You can use any name or number for the inscription.
Unique Wallets: Only the first 100 unique wallet addresses will be considered.
One Airdrop Per Wallet: Each wallet is eligible for only one airdrop.
No Spammers: Any suspected spammers will be disqualified and will not receive the airdrop.
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Reply to Our Tweet: Once you've inscribed the ".🐇" text, reply to GitBook tweet with your name.🐇
BONUS: 1.2x for Quote Retweet or Unique Post about $BUNN
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【TAP 协议 $BUNNY 空投】 规则: 1. 铭文标准:刻写任何名称或编号“***.”作为铭文。 2 .仅前 100 个唯一钱包地址。 3. 每个钱包一次空投 如何参与: 1. 关注:@ordinalos@trac_btc@tap_protocol 2. 用你的“***.🐇”名字+钱包地址回复下面引用的推文 @hardriversz
Follow @ordinalOS for more information.